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Tips & tricks

Avni - 3 days old

On the day of the shoot, if you can try to feed baby prior to the session, that is ideal, as a full baby is generally a happy baby.

However, if they are unsettled and need to feed again, do not worry at all, you are more than welcome to breast feed or bottle feed them whenever you wish during your shoot.

No need to bring anything other than you and your baby, it's recommended to have bub in a little plain vest, then we can start the shoot without too much undressing that will naturally awaken them. 

If siblings are joining on the day of the shoot, I always recommend dad (or mum) take them for a little walk or drive, as some siblings can be a tad bit rowdy and may wake up bub. 

If you wish to incorporate certain items of value to you into your session, feel free to bring them! 

And above all...just relax!! You have done the most amazing thing any human being can do, you get points for even having left the house!

Newborn Preparation Guide: My Story
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